Monday, June 14, 2010

stars and stripes forever?

today is flag day.

i do not know this because i am exceptionally patriotic. i know this because it is also an old friend's birthday.

i've never really thought of it as "flag day." until this year.

i am lucky enough to have not had to personally experience was it is like to be a military family. however, this year, i feel like it is all around me.

my "cubbymate" at work just sent her boyfriend off to basic training. he's scheduled to deport shortly.

a former "hallmate" of my mine from freshman year of college just had to be experience the horror of military limbo while waiting to find out if her husband was going to be ordered overseas.

my sweet cousin, miriah, spent the first year of her marriage apart from her new husband as he served our country.

i watch "army wives," but i do not know what it must be like.

today, i got to thinking about david. about his being a nurse. about the very real possibility of another world war.

i asked him, "if we were to go to war again, and there was a need, a calling, for medical professionals, would you enlist in the armed forces?"

without hesitation, he replies, "yes. i'd feel like it was my duty. it would suck: for me, for you, for us. but i'd feel like it was the right thing to do."

at this moment, i experienced very conflicting emotions: i was scared and proud at the same time. david is so genuine and strong in his convictions. he is open and honest. these are just a few of the reasons i know he will make a wonderful husband (and, God willing, one day, a father).

i don't know what it is like to send away someone you love to fight for a greater cause.

but this year, i've been more aware of it.

God bless you all.


  1. The other day Will and I calculated that when we celebrate our 4th wedding anniversary this year, he'll have been deployed to Iraq 27 months of our marriage and gone away for training another 4 months, meaning out of 48 months, we've been apart 31 of them. To be honest, it hasn't been fun. Watching all of your friends celebrate summer vacations and birthdays and Valentine's Day together while I go home to an empty house hurts more than I ever imagined it would, but I must say that through it all we've developed the most amazing relationship. We never taken a second we have together for granted and we always say what's on our mind and in our hearts, because we realize that we're not promised tomorrow. The military will either make you or break you. We're lucky to say we're both so much stronger because of it.

  2. i love you Kim. =)

    (and I just found out you have a blog)
